YALLWEST over the weekend was a blast. For those who couldn’t make it I’m sad we didn’t get our face time in, but I’ve included some highlights below to make up for it. Here’s a very behind the scenes look to start off.


I moderated the panel “Do popular things automatically suck?” Turns out they don’t. Lovely authors Maya Van Wagenen, Danielle Paige, Victoria Aveyard and Morgan Rhodes were panelists.


My dear friend and famed editor Erin Stein sniper snapped this shot of me moderating panelists in leather leggings. Realized when I got home I’d worn them backwards. At least in person I pretended to be cool (#WeArePretenders 24/7) and some people actually bought it, as evidenced by Danielle Paige’s tweet.

The infamous, aforementioned green room. It was buzzing all day like this.


Naturally, we took selfies. So many selfies. Here’s one featuring Erin, author Shannon Hale and me. Love these ladies.


Reading our “1 Star” reviews.


If you’re not following me on Twitter then you didn’t know I was posting behind the scenes videos at the event. You don’t want to miss something urgent like that again so go follow me now. I’ll wait.

Reemerging for a little sunlight and book fest fun did me wonders but this week I’m back in my writer’s cave cranking out Dirty Book Club pages. If I didn’t get a chance to see your face this weekend I’d love to see it this week while in hibernation. Tweet me, DM me on Instagram or PM me on Facebook a selfie with a message you want to share. I’ll personally respond to all. Can’t wait to see you!


Face Time with YallWest



I know I haven’t had much face time with you lately. In case you miss my mug Google “Lisi Harrison images,” then drain all color from my face and replace my ah-dorable outfit with something ill-fitting and typically worn when flu-like symptoms kick in. Yes, I’ve spent the winter hibernating in my writer’s cave working on my adult novel The Dirty Book Club and mama misses the wonderful world of YA. To prove it, I’ll be at Yallwest Saturday, April 11th. What’s Yallwest? Only the most ah-mazing YA book festival eva! Here’s a rundown of where you can find me.

On Saturday, April 11th at Santa Monica High School:

* I’ll be moderating the panel “Do Popular Things Automatically Suck?” with lovely YA authors Victoria Aveyard, Danielle Paige, Morgan Rhodes, and Maya Van Wagenen in the Gallery from 11:00am-12:00pm.

* Then, I will be signing books in the Science Quad from 12:00-1:00pm.

* I will be hustling my butt over to the Cafetorium from 1:00pm-2:00pm to be part of the panel for “That Time I Sucked,” which should not be missed.

Still not sold on coming out next weekend? Check out all the ah-mazing authors who will also be at YallWest April 11-12 here, and watch the video below for the rest of the event’s details. Can’t wait to see you there!

YALLWEST tickets




Raging Glitch Part 2

I said nothing would stop me from answering your questions and I meant it. Does it matter that my video responses are coming two days later than I said? Maybe it does. But I put my heart into these answers and then raced off to the Santa Monica Public Library for NOVL’s Summer Soiree where I got to meet some of you in person. Here’s Jack from Tuesday. How cute is he?
This reader walked up and I knew right away Massie was her favorite. I can tell everyone’s favorite Clique or Pretenders character in an instant.
Special nails for License to Spill’s release.
She's so a Sheridan.

She’s so a Sheridan.

Sheridan Pretenders Nails


I’m back in the office, working hard to respond to your questions. Gustavo, Rebecca, and Maya, I’ve answered you today. More to come next week on the Blah-g and be sure to check my Facebook page for more photos from the Summer Soiree.


10 PreTENders

I pretend I’m writing but I’m really searching for your confessions. #WeArePretenders

POST YOURS by messaging me on Facebook or Tumblr and submitting your confession, or just tweet it @LisiHarrison or comment on Instagram @Lisi4RealHarrison. That’s it!



Fake It to the Limit

Thanks to all of you who joined me in the lounge yesterday. It was a blast!!! I’m sorry about the technical difficulties, but you can watch the webcast here.

We’ve all heard the phrase, fake it ’til you make it. But these master pretenders started after they made it. Or maybe fame gave them the means to become the people they were truly meant to be. It’s impossible to know. If only we had their journals…

5. Snooki from MTV’s Jersey ShoreSnooki before vs afterFrom naughty to hottie.

4. Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus before vs afterFrom ah-dore to hard core.

3. Justin Timberlake

JT before vs afterFrom rapper to dapper.

2. Heidi Montag of MTV’s Laguna Beach

Heidi Montag before vs afterFrom girl-next-door to door-knockers.

1. Lady Gaga, queen of pretending

Lady Gaga before vs afterFrom prim to grim to him.

* * *

I’m off to L.A. to talk the talk. Gonna try and make Pretenders into a TV show, baby! Wish me luck!!!

And if you didn’t hear the news yesterday,  pre-order your copy of PRETENDERS now to find out which Noble High freshmen are faking amazing and why. The first 25 people to post a screen shot of their receipt on my Facebook page will win a sneak peek of book #2, License To Spill. Want me to sign your copy? Choose the VIP option at the link!

Pre-Order PRETENDERS here

