Guest Post on the Office Elf Blog

Hi everyone. As you know, Lisi has been stuck in her writing cave for many months now, and since hitting her 12.1 deadline for Pretenders: License to Spill, she’s finally able to get some fresh air, stretch her legs a bit and remember what it’s like to be human. She is away today spending quality time with family, but will return next week with her usual post. She has asked me to guest blog for her, so click the wifi signal or pizza slice below to re-direct to the Office Elf blog. Happy Holidays everybody.



Alisha, certified Office Elf

Guest post today on the Office Elf Blog

Hi everyone. 🙂 I know it’s a late Blah-g post today–apologies in advance. Lisi and I were working on The Dirty Book Club and time slipped away from us. She had to finish off the day meeting her deadline, so she asked me to guest Blah-g this week. Lisi will be back next Wednesday with her usual post. For today, come gush over how good The Great Gatsby is. The movie and the book!

Click Leonardo DiCaprio’s face below to read the Office Elf blog.


x’s and o’s,
