To Blah-G or Not to Blah-g…

Hey you,

We’ve been together for what–twelve years now? During that time I’ve posted over 1000 blahgs and written 31 books that many of you have read. I’d say that gives us real relationship status. And as we all know open and honest communication is essential to a healthy relationship. So here is goes: Would you miss my Blah-g’s if I stopped posting for a while? Just long enough for me to finish writing The Dirty Book Club, then I’ll be back?

If I receive 50 comments in the next week asking me to continue I will. And I’ll do it with gusto. If not, I will assume you want to play the field for a while so we will give each other some space. Is this my way of asking if you still like these blahgs? If they are relevant and resonating with you? Indeed it is.

So this is me communicating.

up close and personal

Now I will wait…


TTYW (or not.)


Guest Post on the Office Elf Blog

Hi everyone. As you know, Lisi has been stuck in her writing cave for many months now, and since hitting her 12.1 deadline for Pretenders: License to Spill, she’s finally able to get some fresh air, stretch her legs a bit and remember what it’s like to be human. She is away today spending quality time with family, but will return next week with her usual post. She has asked me to guest blog for her, so click the wifi signal or pizza slice below to re-direct to the Office Elf blog. Happy Holidays everybody.



Alisha, certified Office Elf

Um, Lisi, Did You Get Lasik Eye Surgery?

Then what’s with the new site?
Simple. I’ve been rocking the LH Wallet for five years Purse-Wallet Site

and, like most wallets, it needed change. (Yep, pun intended. New site, same old humor.)

I know, I know. It looks sooooo different. And different can be scary. So place your virtual hand in mine and let’s explore our new hang spot together.

Look up. Top right corner.

Facebook? Hello, friend.
Twitter? Tuh-weet.
Pintrest? I thought you’d never ask.

One click and we’re connected. I realize you know how it works. But did you know that I have quit being a Twitter quitter? Pinky-swear. I will be tweeting constantly now, updating you on my latest #SIC (Sharing Is Caring) obsession. SIC is a quick look at something ah-mazing that I am compelled to share with you. Now look right. The five most recent tweets will be displayed over there, in the sidebar.

Wanna see what I see in my head? (Just the writing stuff, don’t worry.) Then follow me on Pinterest. All of my new characters have boards! Go on, introduce yourself to the Phoenix Five characters (Sheridan, Jagger, Lily, Vanessa, Duffy). Then say hello to the original 1962 Dirty Book Club members (Gloria, Marjorie, Dot, Liddy). The present day member boards are in the works so keep checking back for more. I am obsessed!

Now look all the way up. The Navigation Bar has my current bio, info on the books I’ve written and where they can be purchased online, and press interviews. Oh, see that button that says Follow? Click on that if you want to know when I’ve posted my Wednesday Blah-G. Yep. We’ve taken the guess work out of it. You’re welcome.

Look down.

Your Comments will be your comments. No surprise there.
My Comments will be weekly shout outs, birthday wishes, or other things I might want to mention based on your comments. I know, I need to get a dry erase board or something cuter than an index card. A photographer would also be nice. So would a bathroom break because I seriously have to pee. If anyone else has to go please do it now…

…Okay, I’m back.

Chihuahuawatch is really just an excuse to exploit my dog Bee Bee’s
ah-dorableness. And hawnestly? The title cracked us up. Go on, say it out loud. How fun is that?

Um, that was not hypothetical. I really want to know how fun it was. I want to know what you think of everything. After all, I built this site for you. (Truth? Alisha, my brilliant office elf did the building. I just barfed ideas all over her cute outfits and then went back to writing.) So start filling up your spacious new comments section. Homework can wait!

Lisi V 2.0